She didn't plan on a pandemic.    We have to plan for her survival. image

She didn't plan on a pandemic. We have to plan for her survival.

Breast cancer doesn't stop for a pandemic and neither can we.

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Our survival means she has a chance to be a breast cancer survivor.

In these extraordinary times Breast Care for Washington needs your help now more than ever if we are to survive. With the temporary halt of our services because of COVID-19, every day we do not see patients we lose valuable revenue. Grant funder dollars that have helped us keep the lights on, pay staff, and cover the costs of our uninsured patients' care have disappeared.

Our patients are already fearful of this pandemic; we do not want them worrying about how they will pay for their mammograms. Our goal is to ensure we have more breast cancer survivors. Our mission is for every woman to get care. Breast cancer does not stop for a pandemic, and neither can we.